Amazing Places

Polar Light Antarctica

The Polar light (as northern light in the northern hemisphere, scientific Aurora borealis, as southern light in the southern hemisphere Aurora australis) is a luminous phenomenon due to excited nitrogen and oxygen atoms of the high atmosphere (electrometeor) which caused the atmosphere in the polar regions when accelerated charged particles strike the atmosphere becomes. Polaris are usually seen in two bands of about 3 to 6 degrees of latitude near the magnetic poles.

Polaris occurs primarily in the polar regions, where the field lines penetrate the atmosphere. They occur both in the northern latitudes (northern, also Aurora borealis) and in the southern hemisphere (southern lights, also Aurora australis).

These phenomena are also observed on other planets of the solar system. A prerequisite for this is that the planet has its own magnetic field and an atmosphere. In 2015, astronomers were able to observe polar stars outside the solar system for the first time. The LSR J1835 + 3259 observed at the 18 light years observed low mass activities were about 10,000 times stronger than polar lights on Jupiter.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing information about how Northern lights are formed. I always like Northern lights trips and like to see them.


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