Amazing Places

The Giant Forest of the Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park's main draw, the forest of Giant Sequoias, is home to the largest living things on Earth. With the gigantic mammoth trees (Sequoias), the deep gorges and impressive mountains, the two adjoining national parks are one of the most popular destinations in the Sierra Nevada. In the humid climate with the dry summers and snowy winters, ideal conditions for the main attraction of the region: the giant mammoth trees. The first specimens were first discovered during an expedition in 1833. Soon after, the first one was felled. The slices were shipped as "pieces of evidence" in the early 1850s even to Europe. This was followed by a large-scale deforestation. After whole woodland saws and axes fell victim, in 1890 to the protection of the remaining Sequoias the national park of the same name was founded.

The evergreen tree with its narrow, pointed scale leaves, can be estimated to be up to 3,500 years old according to estimates and counting the annual rings. The fibrous-spongy bark reaches a thickness of up to 60 cm, has an orange-brown to dark red-brown color and serves as a protective shield in case of forest fires.

As the largest tree in the world, the "General Sherman Tree" is located in the Giant Forest of the Sequoia National Park. During the peak season in summer, many visitors enter the park. If you come in the spring, the spectacular tree giants can almost marvel at you - in addition, you will be rewarded with beautifully blossoming hard tree trees. These small trees bear creamy white flowers in the size of saucers (actually, they are small flowers, surrounded by special leaves) on thin black branches. This gives the impression that they are suspended in the air between the mighty tribes of the Sequoia. In the spring, the snow melt also turns the streams partly into tearing rivers. This natural drama is impressive, but dangerous, as the water is ice cold.

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